People A Call for the “Viking Supremacy Movement” Recoil Staff April 27, 2013 1 Comments, Join the Conversation At RECOIL, we review every product fairly and without bias. Making a purchase through one of our links may earn us a small commission, and helps support independent gun reviews. Learn More An author at the Hall of Manly Excellence is calling for a Viking Supremacy Movement. That's right, a Viking Supremacy Movement. The Hall of Manly Excellence, if you don't know, is an excellent on line resource for such varied topics as a guide to 10 (More) Manly Guns and a guide to traits any man with a sense of self worth should have. This isn't any sort of ethnic supremacy movement. The author advises he is calling for men to be a Viking, not a thrall (and it will require more than watching The Vikings on The History Channel). Put simply he says, “I want to get back to the fundamental question when it comes to supremacy: do you do anything interesting in your life or are you content to do nothing much other than displace space? Someone has to fight back against this dull, stale, mundane and insipid culture of quiet moderation, and it might as well be me since I hate it so [expletive deleted] much…” What would be involved in a Viking Supremacy Movement? Among other things, it would require that supporters of the movement do the following: Be armed, and know how to fight. “People who live massively and awesomely attract lots of attention, and often that attention is not admiration. Envy and spite are your new traveling companions, so you need to be 100% prepared to show what a Viking is all about…” Learn to fight with a handgun in everyday life (go check out Matt Jacques on Trigger Time TV), know how to prevail with a rifle (search Viking Tactics ‘Kyle Talks Speed and Accuracy), and know how to punish an attacker unwise enough to trouble you on the street (search “Krav Maga in the IDF” on YouTube). Be fearless – live large and confident, own the space you occupy. Have real opinions that matter, and say them out loud. Get out of the house – life can't truly be lived indoors (and certainly not in Viking fashion). “Level up” and learn to do things – if not the ‘10 Skills Every Operator Should Have‘, then learn how to cook epically. If you want to know more about this call to Viking Supremacy and the berskergang approach to life, read the original article here. (Warning: NSFW language and epithets.) NEXT STEP: Download Your Free Target Pack from RECOILFor years, RECOIL magazine has treated its readers to a full-size (sometimes full color!) shooting target tucked into each big issue. Now we've compiled over 50 of our most popular targets into this one digital PDF download. From handgun drills to AR-15 practice, these 50+ targets have you covered. Print off as many as you like (ammo not included). Get your pack of 50 Print-at-Home targets when you subscribe to the RECOIL email newsletter. We'll send you weekly updates on guns, gear, industry news, and special offers from leading manufacturers - your guide to the firearms lifestyle.You want this. Trust Us.
BIG Thanks RECOIL Magazine for linking to the first of our series “10 Skills Every Operator Should Have” ~James G Founder – Editor in Chief Death Valley Magazine