Gear Buyer’s Guide: Stocks for Your Glock Pistol Dave Merrill August 8, 2019 9 Comments, Join the Conversation At RECOIL, we review every product fairly and without bias. Making a purchase through one of our links may earn us a small commission, and helps support independent gun reviews. Learn More There are some things that don’t quite make sense to the American market, and putting rifle stocks on pistols has certainly been one of them — at least until relatively recently. Originally, these items were developed for nations where it was easier for citizens to obtain pistols instead of rifles (here’s looking at you, Israel). The addition of a stock for a third point of contact allows one to shoot a pistol much more accurately and at greater distances. The (current) legal acceptance of the ability to add a brace to a pistol and shoulder it has brought many new items to the market, and that’s likely to continue until someone in the BATFE decides to get drunk and write another determination letter. If you’re one of those who happen to have a brace on a pistol, this is something that you should definitely keep in mind. Also, a determination letter received from the BATFE to a manufacturer probably won’t stop you from being arrested by an overzealous police officer, but it may help you not be convicted (after a lot of time and money is spent). Several independent sources have informed us the BATFE internally decided that pistols weighing below 36 ounces unloaded rocking braces can be prosecuted as illegal SBRs; the idea being that anything below that weight can successfully be fired without extra support. While at the time of writing there are no pending cases based on this that we know of, it’s definitely something to keep in mind. Some companies have even gone so far as to not even submit for a BATFE determination as to the legality of their braces, instead relying on the letters of others (Flux Defense is among them). However, that letter itself may not even help, in 2018’s U.S. v. Wright, 3:18-CR-162 the government sought to preclude the determination letters about braces and angled grips written by the BATFE FATD (Firearms and Ammunition Technology Division). Ultimately after a very short wait, the jury thankfully came back with a not guilty verdict. But that doesn’t mean it’ll go that way the next time. Keeping all of this in mind, we made the decision to use a pair of registered SBR Glocks (one Gen3 and one Gen4) for use with this article, regardless if a stock or brace is used as to avoid any of the potential pitfalls. Of course, the conversions featured in this buyer’s guide are far from a complete list. We simply obtained samples of some of the most popular and interesting and broke them down for you. That said, the criteria, which we use to evaluate each one, can be applied to all on the market. Considerations as to whether they’re compatible with silencers, magwells, and magazine extensions are all into play as well as ambidextrous use and ease of reaching common controls. These should all be weighed in the balance if you’re looking at picking up some sort of Glock stock. FAB Defense GLR-17 Length Added: 9 inches (closed), 13 inches (open) Weight: 6 ounces MSRP: $123 URL: While there are some C96 Mausers and a handful of Browning Hi-Powers and Lugers with stocks, this TDI conversion is the first modern pistol stock we recall ever seeing. In fact, this one is old enough that it’s been long discontinued. We still thought it worthy of this guide not only for historical purposes, but also because several companies are now producing 1:1 clones at nearly 20 percent of the original price. Installation: One of the touted advantages of the GLR-17 is the ease of attachment. The pointy end of the stock is simply inserted into the grip cavity behind the magwell, and a spring-loaded stud snaps into the lanyard hole. Range Time & Notes: While our model was labeled for full-size models Gen 1-3, it fit loosely and wobbled in all of them. However, a Gen4 (which it wasn’t designed for) fit securely. Use of some basepads and magazine extensions is restricted because the attachment mechanism prevents the magazine from fully seating. Along the same lines, aftermarket magwells cannot be used, nor can you use a modified grip unless the grip cavity remains completely untouched. The stock itself does get long enough to achieve a comfortable shooting position and avoid getting punched in the nose by the slide. While initially it seemed sturdy enough in the Gen4, once the stock was fully extended and shouldered there was a considerable amount of flex. It may be OK for some limited light range use, but not much beyond that. It’s likely for these reasons that TDI has since released an upgraded version called the Cobra, which not only folds for holster use but also comes with four adapters for use in 9mm full-size and compact Glocks from Gen 2-5. There are no restrictions regarding the use of optics, lights, select-fire backplates, or silencers. ENDO Tactical Stock Adapter Length Added: 5 inches (plain; no stock) Weight: 5 ounces (plain; no stock) MSRP: $35 URL: What separates the ENDO stock adapter from the FAB Defense are two things: a second point of contact with the pistol beavertail allowing for greater stability, and the ability to use any stock that’ll thread into a standard AR lower receiver. Installation: After affixing your stock or attachment of choice to the adapter, the pointed end of the adapter is inserted into the grip cavity behind the magwell and the upper brace placed over the crest on the top of the grip. To ensure the adapter stays in place, a detent pin is inserted through the lanyard hole in the backstrap. Range Time & Notes: Currently only available for full-size Gen 1-3 Glocks. Use of some basepads and magazine extensions is restricted because the attachment mechanism prevents the magazine from fully seating. Along the same lines, aftermarket magwells cannot be used, nor can you use a modified grip unless the grip cavity and crest remains completely untouched. The second point of contact immediately makes the ENDO far more stable than other adapters, utilizing only the grip cavity. In fact, we know many ranges that specifically use ENDO adapters for their fully automatic Glock 18 rentals, since someone is far less likely to shoot the ceiling due to the increased stability. We took the additional step of removing the ball chain, which keeps the detent leashed to the adapter and replacing with the far more durable 550 cord. Since the ENDO will fit anything that’ll fit into an AR lower, you can go pretty wild with this one. Folding stocks? Sure. Braces? Yup. Go crazy with an ACE adapter and a Micro Uzi stock? We did that too. Additionally, we’ve used a Spike’s Tactical QD sling adapter to good effect, though getting used to SAS-style “push forward” can take some getting used to (see Mike Pannone’s Scorpion review in RECOIL #19 for an example). There are no restrictions regarding the use of optics, lights, select-fire backplates, or silencers. Flux Defense G17 Brace Length Added: 1.5 inches (closed), 9.25 inches (open) Weight: 8 ounces MSRP: $259 URL: SHOT Show 2019 saw the release of the Flux Defense brace. What really caught the attention and imaginations of the crowd was the fact it’s spring loaded. With the simple push of a lever, the brace snaps into the locked position. Since the release of the brace, they’ve added the Flashmag, a forward angled spare magazine holder with integrated light, and announced the Flashmag Rail, which features the same style of spare carrier but with a rail system so you can use the WML of your choice. Installation: While Flux Defense has some installation videos, we doubt you’ll have to use them. All that one needs to do is remove the rear trigger housing pin, take off any installed backstraps, pop the Flux brace in place, and insert the included steel replacement pin. Range Time & Notes: The first offerings from Flux Defense were labeled for Gen 4-5 G17 only. The reason the G17 brace cannot be retrofitted to previous models is because it relies on the backstrap grooves to be firmly held in place. Braces are available for the G19, and we’re told they’re working on some other solutions for different models. While a G17 brace can physically fit onto a G19, the rails will extend beyond the muzzle. One advantage of the Flux is that compatible holsters can be purchased, which accommodate for the rail system, and they even have one for pistols equipped with Flashmags. The integral light of the Flashmag is a nice touch, but in a world of 1,000 lumen SureFire lights, 100 lumens of diffused light without a momentary switch won’t be worth the squeeze for many. The first thing you’ll notice is that shouldering a Flux-equipped pistol is nearly a nonstarter. The rails simply aren’t long enough for the task unless you want to scrunch up to the pistol or are under 5 feet tall. Adding a couple inches of rail would make this far easier to use, and the folks at Flux have told us they have some Skunkworks with longer rails right now, but they weren’t ready at the time of this writing. Controls are harder to reach than normal (use of the support hand to drop magazines is recommended). While a lefty version is incoming, ambidextrous use is currently not supported. Flux Defense has done a helluva job even with their freshman effort, and we can’t wait to get our hands on with the Gen 2. There are no restrictions regarding the use of lights or silencers, but modifications have to be made for some optic mounts (the ALG 6- Second Mount, in particular) and select-fire backplates. B&T USW-G17 Length Added: 3 inches (closed), 12 inches (open) Weight: 13.6 ounces (no optic) MSRP: $425 (without Aimpoint Nano), $1,025 (with Aimpoint Nano) URL: When Brügger & Thomet released the Universal Service Weapon (USW) to the U.S. market, we knew we’d be covering it immediately (see the full review in RECOIL #35). One thing that really made the USW stand out is that it was designed as a short-barreled, red-dotted pistol in the first place. The Swiss manufacturer then followed up the USW with a P320 grip module featuring their folding stock. Distinctly missing, however, was a non-reciprocating red dot. That’d be fixed with the latest pistol conversion, the USW-G17. Installation: When we received the kit, we were told in no uncertain terms to read the process twice before starting. We’d advise you to do the same. That said, installation is fairly straightforward. First, separate the slide from the grip of your Glock. A special endplate must be installed on the slide in order to house the folding charging handle. Then, the front screw on the USW-G17 needs to be nearly unthreaded but not removed. The front rail of the grip can now be pushed into place, and then rotated up to be caught by the rear of the chassis. Rotate the screw back in place. The slide is put in place until the charging handle hole on the back plate lines up with the corresponding hole on the chassis. Insert the charging handle, then pull the slide fully to the rear. Range Time & Notes: When the B&T conversion was first announced, it was incorrectly reported that it would only work with the new Gen5 Glocks. Thankfully, that was incorrect, and it’ll work with any Glock chambered in 9x19mm, .40 S&W, and .357 SIG with a forward rail. That is to say, Gen 3-5. The stock is released with a push of a button, and while it’s spring loaded, it’s not enough to fully snap it into position like the Flux Defense brace, though we’re conducting some experiments. The stock is of sufficient length for a very comfortable shooting position. Holsters are available from B&T. Because the red dot is fixed in place, tracking the dot through recoil is incredibly easy. We had shooters hitting steel at 140 yards with no issues. We found wrapping our support thumb around the bezel of a WML to be an excellent way to shoot the B&T USW-G17. As far as controls, the magazine release is easy to hit, though we recommend an extended slide stop. The only real bitch in this area is that grasping the takedown levers takes a bit of monkeying the gun into the correct position. Grip modifications are OK with the USW-G17, provided that the baby beavertail isn’t mucked with. The fixed optic position is setup for the Aimpoint Nano, and the new Aimpoint ACRO P-1 will also fit. There’s a Picatinny rail adapter, which can be used for the optic of your choice. We did run into one issue. You have to be slightly more choosy when it comes to ammunition used with silencers. Because Glocks are designed with a dust cover meant to flex and the B&T holds the forend so tightly, we required the use of slightly heavier ammunition for the best reliability. Uber cheapy stuff didn’t cycle in the chassis that otherwise did without. There are no restrictions regarding the use silencers (except discussed above) or lights. Full-auto endplates and slide-mounted optics cannot be used. EMA/CAA Tactical RONI G1 Overall Length: 19 inches (closed), 22.25 inches (open) Weight: 3 pounds 1.3 ounces MSRP: $525 URL: First introduced around a decade ago, the Roni series of conversions were the first popular commercially available pistol-in-a-carbine-shell versions. With this in mind, we found it appropriate to cover the first generation of EMA adapter as well as the latest CAA-branded models later on in this piece. In some ways, the Gen 1 series is actually better than the latest. And also, you can tell it was developed prior to braces being accepted, as this one is totally SBR-only, and even features a disclaimer about this molded inside the shell itself. Later G1 models were available with braces as well. The Roni allows for standard AR-height optics to be used, which really opens up your options. Installation: While not initially intuitive, installation is very quick once you learn how to do it. Captive takedown pins are popped out on either end of the assembly, and a muzzle portion and stock portion are both partially pulled out. Once this happens, the main shell can be opened. A polymer charging handle adapter nests in between the OEM rear slide notches, and everything drops in place. Then, either end is pushed together, and the captive takedown pins inserted back into place. Range Time & Notes: As you may have surmised from the installation notes, only standard OEM slides can be used with the Roni G1. If you have any aftermarket slide or an RTF2, no dice. Though there were options made for other pistols down the line, the 9mm Glock version was absolutely the most popular. Most all magwells, extended magazines, and grip stippling is A-OK. Something we liked that’s not always available from other shell conversions is that the Roni features metal Picatinny rails on the top and sides. Plastic flexes a sh*tload more in most every situation, so we welcome metal rails despite the heavier weight. The Roni G1 was sort of compatible with silencers — just not all of them. Before use, the front barrel shroud/useless muzzle device has to be removed. But there’s still more; because the Glock features a Browning-style tilt barrel, only suppressors with a diameter below 1.38 inches can be used else they run out of room, but we even found that to be a stretch. Ideally, you want to use a 9mm silencer with an even smaller diameter, such as a Dead Air Odessa-9 or Gemtech Aurora II for the best functionality. The rear stock also includes space for a spare magazine with active retention, which is certainly better than a simply friction fit regarding long-term use. The Roni G1 has a rudimentary safety that stops adult fingers from entering the trigger guard, but debris and little hands will still find a way. There are no restrictions regarding the use silencers (except discussed above). Because of the standard Picatinny rail, most lights and optics are A-OK. Full-auto endplates fit just fine, though the ability to select between modes will be restricted. CAA MICRO CONVERSION KIT (MCK) Length: 15 inches (folded), 22 inches (open) Weight: 1 pound 14 ounces MSRP: $249 (basic kit), $448 (advanced kit) URL: Commands Arms Accessories has learned some lessons in the last decade of Roni kits. The latest is the Micro Conversion Kit (MCK), simply known as the Micro Roni, Not only are there many models available, the entire assembly is more compact and lighter than ever. While the Basic Kit costs considerably less than the Advanced Kit, with the latter you get a pair of thumb rests, BUIS, QD swivel attachments, a single point sling, and an MCK-specific flashlight. Worth the juice for the advanced? Not if you have at least half the parts. Installation: Popping a Glock inside is easier than ever. First, the front of the pistol is slid into place and locked into a rail lock. The pistol is rotated into place, and an ambidextrous shroud is placed over the OEM rear slide cuts. There’s a double-locking mechanism on the rear, where a piece slides forward and then in double-locked with a tab. Ready to go. Range Time & Notes: Just as with the other earlier Roni models, you’re definitely stuck with OEM slides with vertical rear cuts. Forget this whole thing with RTF2 or aftermarket slides, but most all magwells, extended magazines, and grip stippling is A-OK. The charging handle is ambidextrous, and features no extra return spring to increase the weight while charging the pistol. CAA definitely learned some lessons from previous versions, so while this one still features a metal Picatinny top rail, the weight is greatly reduced. The integral folding brace (or stock, depending on options chosen) makes for a much smaller package than the original Roni. Like models such as the Flux Defense Flashmag and Flashmag rail, the MCK also features a forward angled spare magazine holder, though just barely retained via friction. Unlike other models, there’s basically zero chance of running any sort of silencer unless some major surgery occurs. Instead of including some sort of plain rail with an angled grip, the MCK has a grip built right into the chassis. The Advanced Kit also includes a flashlight, but it’s just about as anemic as the one included with the Flux Defense kit. We wish they forwent all of that and just gave us a Picatinny rail. We will say that the thumb rests included with the Advanced version are damn good and comfortable pieces of kit. Because of the standard top Picatinny rail, most lights and optics are A-OK. Full-auto endplates fit just fine, though the ability to select between modes will be restricted. Use of silencers is a nonstarter. CAA Advanced Conversion Kit $405.99 IMI Defense KIDON Overall Length: 17 inches to 19.5 inches (no stock, depending on muzzle shroud length) Weight: 1 pound 9.3 ounces MSRP: $535 – $620 depending on model URL: The Kidon takes other pistol carbine conversions a step forward by having models that’ll accept more than a hundred different pistol models with over 19 variations. Sure, that means just over five pistols per variation, but understand the Kidon K1 fits 12 models all by itself. What made the Kidon stick out to us was that not only was the charging handle swappable, but adjustable for different slide lengths. Installation: One thing that makes the Kidon different is that it’s a two-piece system. Firstly, you separate the two parts of the shell and push the front of the pistol into the front of chassis. Then, you flip up the front locking lever, securing it in place. Then, the rear portion is pushed into place and the captive locking detent is pushed into place. Easy peasy. Range Time & Notes: Unlike some other shell systems such as the Roni, what slide you’re using doesn’t matter whatsoever. We note that you may have some issues with various forms of grip modification, a whole helluva lot of them will actually work with this system. The charging handle is adjustable, allowing for several different lengths of slide within a single model. There’s no specific model swap between the G19 and G34, for example. Silencer use is very restricted with this model, as the front shroud cannot be removed without seriously sacrificing the structural integrity of the entire unit. Controls were very easy to use with the Kidon installed. While there are versions of the Kidon that include various stocks and braces, as it comes OEM any stock or accessory that can attach or a normal AR receiver can be installed on the Kidon. Since the Picatinny rails are polymer, we absolutely are concerned about optical zeros now and anything attached long-term. Because of the standard top Picatinny rail, most lights and optics are A-OK. Full-auto endplates fit just fine, though the ability to select between modes will be restricted. Use of silencers is a nonstarter. NEXT STEP: Download Your Free Target Pack from RECOILFor years, RECOIL magazine has treated its readers to a full-size (sometimes full color!) shooting target tucked into each big issue. Now we've compiled over 50 of our most popular targets into this one digital PDF download. From handgun drills to AR-15 practice, these 50+ targets have you covered. Print off as many as you like (ammo not included). Get your pack of 50 Print-at-Home targets when you subscribe to the RECOIL email newsletter. We'll send you weekly updates on guns, gear, industry news, and special offers from leading manufacturers - your guide to the firearms lifestyle.You want this. Trust Us.
Once again Glock 21 guys are getting left out of all the fun don't you realize there's a millions of guys that shoot only 45 so I don't know why you guys passed us up and don't want her money
@James Sharpe - The B&T USW Glock chassis is available in 2 sizes; one for 9mm/.40 (USW-G17) and the other for .45/10mm (USW-G20 fits the Glock 21). I have the 9mm version and highly recommend it.
I went to the Mall Ninja Store, and they didn't have these. How am I going to dress up and take face book photos without this sick stock? Everyone wants one, right? Will this increase the power? Can I hunt Moose with this? It looks so bad that I think Deer will surrender rather than risk being shot by a Mall Ninja armed with this sick piece of kit. I think the Seal TeMs use these?
I really appreciate the tips in this post. I'm a new Glock pistol owner and I'm looking for some good stocks to fit my pistol. Thanks for the advice!