CANCON CANCON Arizona 2023 Event Recap: Suppressors, Machine Guns, and Quesadillas Recoil Staff May 11, 2023 Join the Conversation At RECOIL, we review every product fairly and without bias. Making a purchase through one of our links may earn us a small commission, and helps support independent gun reviews. Learn More CANCON ARIZONA, THE RANGE WAS HOT IN MORE WAYS THAN ONEPictures by Patrick McCarthyEven while battling blistering triple-digit heat, our second CANCON and our first time in Arizona was a smash hit! CANCON presented by Silencer Central is a fully suppressed range day event. Held at the Ben Avery Shooting Range in Phoneix, this is our first of two CANCONs for 2023. These are just a small sampling of the highlights! WHAT DID YOU MISS?Suppressors, machine guns, .50 BMG rifles, tiny .22 LRs, and everything in between. Over 400 silencers were on display, and more than 100 suppressors were given out to lucky attendees.Happiness is a belt-fed weapon!Ever shot an Uzi with a suppressor on it? People at CANCON did!Joes vs. Pros was a competition that pitted experienced shooters from the Recoil editorial team and event staff against volunteers from the audience. Various weapons were selected, including pistols, carbines, and bolt-action rifles. The winner of each event took home prizes ranging from T-shirts and Magpul sunglasses all the way up to a few complete rifles donated by Maxim Defense and Stag Arms.Another “Joes” winner and he took home a complete Maxim rifle! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Patrick McCarthy (@pmccarthy10) Not everything was an AR, there was also a ton of AKs!Huge thanks to our presenting sponsor Silencer Central! They brought out a ton of great cans for people to see, try, and even buy!Special thanks to AmmoUp for providing the brass collectors, the CANCON and RECOIL Staff thank you! Over 100,000 rounds fired and pieces of brass collected. More booths than we could shake a stick at, perfect for finding your new favorite accessory.SilencerCo out with a huuuuuge lineup of cans!Dead Air had another big set up for us to take a look at and shoot.Abel Suppressors came out from California for the event. Reaper Training Systems brought their targets out for CANCON again! They made a 35 hour drive last year to CANCON Georgia! This time, they only had to drive 6 hours.I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. A suppressor semi-auto shotgun is even better than you think. View this post on Instagram A post shared by CANCON, a Fully Suppressed Weekend (@canconevent) One of our Joes shooting a bolt action!Food trucks! I think most of us agreed that the quesadillas were amazing!Just one of the perks of being a VIP was the Night Shoot put on by Night Vision Network! View this post on Instagram A post shared by RECOIL Magazine (Official) (@recoilmagazine) Another perk of being a VIP at CANCON Arizona 2023? TWO SUPPRESSORS!WHEN IS THE NEXT CANCON?!For 2023, the next CANCON will be in Richmond Hill, Georgia, November 10-11th. But we'll be back in Arizona next year! Another big thanks to all of the manufacturers, retailers, and vendors that came out for CANCON Arizona.CANCON Arizona 2023 Event Sponsors VertxTimney TriggersF-1 Firearms ViktosTrue Shot Gun ClubGatorz Eyewear American Defense Mfg (ADM)JK ArmamentGlobal Ordnance Big Belly ToysMagpulHUXWRX Safety Co. Caveman & Crossed RiflesNight Vision NetworkM+M Industries Crane TEC-Tactical Everyday CarrySilencerCoMatador Arms Gun Owners of AmericaStag ArmsPatriot Ordnance Factory KOR CasesThunder Beast ArmsS2 Armament Mantis XKershawThe Hub Medford KnifeLightforceTippman/GSL MiCamp SolutionsWhite River Knife & ToolVelocity Triggers Mission First TacticalAbel SuppressorMaxim Defense Mr Silencer/East Valley TacticalAero PrecisionSilencer Central My Life at Speed/True Blue LubeCMC Triggers/San Tan TacticalInfinite Defense Reaper Training SystemsDead Air SilencersShooting Targets USA Safe Line DefenseFour Peaks TacticalNine Line Sonoran Desert InstituePrimary Weapons Systems/Lone WolfC & H Precision TCRTWyoming ArmsCentury Arms/Canik Tier 1 KinecticsAMTAC SuppressorDillion Precision NEXT STEP: Download Your Free Target Pack from RECOILFor years, RECOIL magazine has treated its readers to a full-size (sometimes full color!) shooting target tucked into each big issue. Now we've compiled over 50 of our most popular targets into this one digital PDF download. From handgun drills to AR-15 practice, these 50+ targets have you covered. Print off as many as you like (ammo not included). Get your pack of 50 Print-at-Home targets when you subscribe to the RECOIL email newsletter. We'll send you weekly updates on guns, gear, industry news, and special offers from leading manufacturers - your guide to the firearms lifestyle.You want this. Trust Us.