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Dead Foot Arms Underfolder AR-15: Blasphemous Bad-Assery!

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Need more underfolder in your life? Dead Foot Arms has you covered!

The great AR versus AK debate will seemingly continue until the end of time, or at least until we can all get phased plasma rifles in the 40-watt range. So what better gun-guy pursuit than to combine them? Back in RECOIL Issue 38, we built an AR in 7.62×39 that takes AK magazines, based on the clever BRS-47 receiver set from Billet Rifle Systems.

One of the characteristics of Stoner’s design that AK fans like to mock is its overall length. When the action cycles, the AR’s bolt carrier group extends rearward into the receiver extension, against the buffer and compressing the action spring. As a result, while an AR’s buttstock can telescope, it can’t fold or get any shorter than the buffer tube. 

With our BRS-47 build, we installed a LAW Tactical folder, but that only helps for transport and storage.

Some years ago, Dead Foot Arms released their Modified Cycle System, using a nested plunger and springs to shorten the operating system. With an abbreviated bolt carrier group, it adds just 2.5 inches to the rear of the gun. 

Dead Foot Arms uses a plunger and nested springs to shorten the AR’s operating system. The shortest version on the bottom requires a chopped-down BCG, while the longer version above it accommodates standard BCGs.

Alternately, standard BCGs work with a longer version that adds 4 inches of length. DFA has offered it with folding and telescoping options, and you can fire your weapon when folded or collapsed.

In a stroke of evil genius, DFA realized they could attach an underfolder stock to it. Not just any random folding stock, but in this case an actual original Hungarian AKM underfolder stock assembly and locking mechanism. You can specify the release button to be on the right or left side. The result when installed on our BRS-47 build is glorious, internet-trolling awesomeness. 

We attached an EOTech as well to make even more keyboard warriors angry. 

We sent BRS’ 7.62×39 bolt carrier group to DFA to be chopped down for the shortest 2.5-inch system, and the DFA system works just as well as it did on a regular AR-15. Medium blue springs ran 100-percent reliably for us. The underfolder also works perfectly, locking securely into place and clearing AK banana mags. 

Note that the AR’s safety selector on the left side of the rifle is a bit difficult to access with the stock folded but you can let loose stock-less to your heart’s content just like Hannibal Smith. Additionally, AK underfolders aren’t particularly ergonomic to shoot when extended, and this is no different. But the BRS-47 is very soft-shooting, so it’s not uncomfortable even with the sketchy cheek weld, though the length of pull is a bit long. Without question, it’s a ton of fun.

Dead Foot Arms uses actual original Hungarian AKM underfolder stock assemblies and locking mechanisms, with the release button on whichever side you prefer.

Do you need to have something like this in your safe? Maybe not. But we’d sure want one, because it’s just awesome. If you want one as well, don’t delay too long, because the supply of genuine AK underfolder stocks these days is hardly guaranteed. 

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