Guns SHOT 2016: Something old, something new from Glock Mike Searson January 18, 2016 Join the Conversation At RECOIL, we review every product fairly and without bias. Making a purchase through one of our links may earn us a small commission, and helps support independent gun reviews. Learn More Glock rolled out two new models this year and they were not a carbine, shotgun or even a 1911 (as if). Instead we got two models that have been in the lineup from the beginning, but with a cool new feature: The G17 MOS (Modular Optic System) and G19 MOS. We've had the pistols for little over a month and have been putting them through the wringer. I'm slowly warming up to the 4th Gen upgrades and like the fact that you can replace the back strap if you feel the need, but what I appreciate in particular is the MOS mounting system. Optics are becoming smaller and more reliable every year and both the G17 MOS and G19 MOS are ready to go with whichever optic you choose. I strongly preferred the G19 MOS to the G17 MOS, mostly because I've been running a Glock 19 almost since its introduction in one configuration or another and the balance seems to suit me better from a muscle memory standpoint. There is nothing wrong with the G17 MOS mind you. If that model melts your butter more than the 19 you will probably favor that pistol. One mounting plate fits the Trijicon RMR while another fits the Leupold Delta Point. If you don't care for either of those you have other options (Docter Optik and the Burris Fast Fire will fit the RMR plate). On another positive, if you feel like red dots on a pistol aren't your thing, you can revert back to the original configuration using iron sights and you haven't spent a few hundred in milling and probably voiding your factory warranty. There is nothing more frustrating than having the specs of a new gun in mind and getting everything you need only to find that you have to send it off for some extra work that should be done at the factory. Glock was pretty good at bringing MOS versions of the bigger “sporting pistols” to market (check out our early “eyes on” review of the G40 here), but we felt they should just start making all of their pistols with optic ready slides, because handgun optics go beyond hunting with a 10mm or running a match with a race gun. A number of tactical guys have been running them on their pistols and they are becoming more popular with police officers, particularly K-9 officers who may need to take an accurate shot with one hand while controlling 100+ pounds of police dog with the other. When I first played with a slide mounted optic on a tactical pistol a few years ago, I assumed the intent was to use irons as normal and use the holo sight if you needed to shoot a bad guy across the street. Through the wonders of the red dot, you can do both, but that gives me my one major criticism of the Glock MOS: you cannot co-witness with the factory sights. It may be a minor point, as factory Glock sights are best described as “place holders” until you install a set of fiber optics or night sights, but I would have liked to have seen a taller set of sights riding the dove tails on these slides. Whether you're running a match or fighting for your life, one of the last things that needs to happen is losing the sights on your handgun. I wouldn't be surprised to see the MOS slide graduate to the rest of Glock's lineup (well, part from the slim lines like the G42, G43 and G36), but who knows, if the holo sights next year get any smaller we might see that too. We'll see. ##### We have a steady stream of images from SHOT this year appearing in this article if you're interested. Follow us on Instagram, @RECOILmagazine and keep an eye out for these hashtags: #recoilmagazine, #recoil, #shotshow2015, #mediadayattherange and especially #recoilSHOT2016. What is the NSSF SHOT Show? The NSSF SHOT Show (Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show) and Conference is an annual event held by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Typically attended by thousands of people from all 50 states and over a hundred countries, it is (quite rightfully) described as the “…world's premier exposition of combined firearms, ammunition, law enforcement, cutlery, outdoor apparel, optics, and related products and services. Imagine the Worlds' Fair, but packed with everything from mini-guns and every breed of body armor, bows and boots; from eye pro and ear pro to optics and ordnance, socks to swords…you get the idea. You can see imagery from our coverage of last year's SHOT Show right here. 2016 SHOT Show January 18 — Media on the Range (numerous shooting facilities in and around Las Vegas) January 19–22, 2016 Sands Expo and Convention Center Las Vegas, Nevada Hours Tuesday, January 19 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 20 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Thursday, January 21 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Friday, January 22 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Explore RECOILweb:Review: the Oakley Prizm RadarVogel Dynamics Glock Pistol SightsNew FDE, OD Green, and Gray Color Variants For The Springfield Armory Hellion 5.56 BullpupEverything Wrong with LPVOs NEXT STEP: Download Your Free Target Pack from RECOILFor years, RECOIL magazine has treated its readers to a full-size (sometimes full color!) shooting target tucked into each big issue. Now we've compiled over 50 of our most popular targets into this one digital PDF download. From handgun drills to AR-15 practice, these 50+ targets have you covered. 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