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Go Learn, Michigan: Threat Centered Revolver

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You remember the revolver? You know, that gun you keep in your pocket when you're not carrying your “real” gun? Maybe it's the one you have in your nightstand, because your Significant Other likes it better than your Glock? Maybe, just maybe, you're an armed professional who uses one as a backup to your service pistol? If any of these sound familiar, or if you just want to learn to run the revolver, keep reading.

The trouble with the revolver isn't it's low capacity or its heavy, long trigger pull; it's that very few people really know how to run them well, and fewer still know how to teach you to run yours.

You're in luck, though. Grant Cunningham is heading to Michigan to teach his Threat-Centered Revolver course September 19th & 20th. Grant is a noted author of two must-have books on the revolver, the Gun Digest Book Of The Revolver and Defensive Revolver Fundamentals  as well as several other books on guns, shooting, and self defense training. He also has a reputation as a top-notch teacher, noted for an ability to explain even complicated concepts and information in ways that make it easy to learn.

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In his Threat-Centered Revolver course he advises you'll learn how to run the revolver in the context of a defensive encounter; how to master the revolver's notoriously difficult double action trigger; how to reload it as efficiently as possible while minimizing gun-jamming errors; how to manipulate and reload the revolver one-handed; ammunition choices; fitting the revolver to your hand; how to carry spare ammunition; how to address the special challenges that come with the snubnose revolver and more — as with most any class, there's likely to be a gestalt of instructor and students that teaches things not specifically address in the official curriculum.

There are but a handful of classes that teach the revolver as a defensive tool; this may very well be one of the best of those, with one of the even fewer true revolver SMEs. If you're a wheelgun guy (or girl), you're going to want to make time to attend this.

Grant will be teaching in the Ann Arbor area, which is appropriate since Ann Arbor is home of the University of Michigan – the  Wolverines! Ann Arbor is west of Detroit and is a vibrant town full of great places to eat. It even beat out Berkley in the list of best college towns for food and drink, which is no mean feat. It’s definitely a small town but with a big town feel and will be a terrific base of operations for this class.

He’s being hosted by KrossTac Training, and you can sign up for this great course at their site. Hurry, though, because space is limited!

If you're anywhere in Michigan – or even Illinois, Indiana, or Ohio – this is the perfect opportunity to train with the guy who literally wrote the book on revolvers! Learn more about him right here. Can't get to Michigan? Watch this calendar for other classes in your area…or contact Mr. Cunningham and host your own. Meantime, follow his blog.

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