The Ultimate Firearms Destination for the Gun Lifestyle


The Black Death: The Incredible Story of Henry Johnson

Harlem Hellfighters are an amazing piece of history, one that has often been overlooked. This is the story of one Hellfighter who will never be forgot.

Flashback: Colt Model 1849 Baby Revolver

A throwback to a more polite era! Colt Model 1849 might not be the flashiest piece in the safe, but it’s still a class worthy of love.

Crapshoot: CZ 82

A classic CZ! Not as refined as the modern standard, but still a lovely piece of history. Take a complete look at the CZ 82!

The M1 Garand: A Short History

A legendary rifle that helped win World War Two the M1 Garand has as much myth surrounding it as a Greek hero. Here is a short history!