Going Hot — Magda Angel Recoil Staff MODEL: Magda Angel @magdaangel PHOTOGRAPHER: Jorge Nuñez @jorgehnunez HAIR & MAKEUP: Liza Macawili Ramos @lizamakeup…
Pocket Dumps of the Pros Dave Merrill Five Industry Authorities Reveal Their Pocket Dump In previous issues of CONCEALMENT, we’ve brought you…
Uncovered – New Firearms Products Rob Curtis The Latest and Greatest Firearm Products 1. Round four of the collaboration between Quartermaster Knives…
Gun-Free Zone Laws Jason Squires Can a Business Infringe on Your Constitutional Right to Carry a Firearm?
Brass Knuckles and Fist-Load Weapons Michael Janich Knuckle Dusters and Modern Alternatives In a real-deal, fight-for-your-life self-defense situation, the harder you hit,…
Appendix Carry 2.0 Matt Jacques Limit the Chance of Shooting Your Junk With a Few Simple Considerations