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Mike Rowe and his dog run for President

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Elect Freddy & the Biped in 2016! That's the slogan of the new Presidential campaign announced today by Freddy & The Biped staffers. According to Freddy & The Biped spokesman Mike Rowe

“In a dog eat dog election, there is really only one clear choice.” — Freddy

Says Rowe,

“Over the last 12 months, according to people who know, my modest little Facebook page has received over 500,000 comments urging me to run for President of the United States. Clearly, the time has come to consider these invitations with a measure of seriousness. And so today, after nearly thirty seconds of careful soul-searching, I’m pleased to officially announce my decision to run for the highest office in the land. And that decision is of course, no.

Naturally, I’m flattered – deeply. But aside from my conspicuous lack of experience, (I can barely keep a TV show on the air,) I’m afraid I lack the temperament for elected office. My dog on the other hand, is not only more suited for the role, he is, according to the most recent polls – more popular than his master, and therefor, far more electable. So, I would be willing – under Freddy’s leadership and guidance – to serve as his Vice President, and in that regard, your humble servant.”

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Although he admits Freddy is unlikely to win (and is running on a “breathtakingly self-absorbed platform”) he does believe the tee-shirts they are selling to support the campaign will make a great Christmas present. I'm personally confident they will help raise a substantial amount of money for charity (and frankly relieved to find a candidate I can throw my support behind).

You can read the full text of the announcement right here on Mike Rowe's Facebook page.

You can purchase shirts to support the campaign (and the mikeroweWORKS Foundation) right here.

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Freddy and the Biped 3

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