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On the range at 88 Tactical – VCQB

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We're up in Tekamah, Nebraska taking a VCQB (Vehicle Close Quarters Battle) course with Will Petty at 88 Tactical. If you've never heard of 88 Tactical, or have never had the opportunity to train here, let me tell you — the facility is outstanding. In fact, the level of hospitality thus far has been nothing short of astonishing.

It may not occur to you to fly into Omaha for tactical training. You may have doubts about driving all day to get here. Banish them now. This is a nice place. Sleeping quarters are comfortable (if Spartan), the range facility is well maintained and the “lodge” is gorgeous. Unfortunately right now I don't have better pictures for you yet, I have to get back on the range — but trust me, it's nice.



You'll want to pick the right instructor for your visit, of course. Even the best facility won't mitigate the training scars that might come from an assclown, but I doubt proprietor Shea Degan would bring in any crayon-eaters.

That brings us to instructor Will Petty. I've heard good things about him from people I trust, but this is my first time as his student. So far, so good. The class is all application-focused training (which I prefer) centered on fighting into, out of and around a vehicle; positions, considerations, unique problems, etc. Petty is very engaging and definitely seems to know his stuff. We'll see if that holds true through the next 3 days.


There will be lots more on this to follow, and not just here on RECOILweb. Students here come from all over the tactical and firearms industry. Most are current or former military, a couple of LEOs, some who are both and several ‘armed responsible citizens.' RECOIL is here obviously; so is Firelance MediaGreenside Training, Breach-Bang-ClearAres GearTactical 360, GripStopMilCopp Tactical, Orion Design Group, the Women's Tactical Association, Knife Hand the World and one smokin' fast and accurate member of the Team War Sport shooting team. Stay tuned, you'll learn more about 28 million grains.

Oh, and if you're in easy driving distance of Omaha and you've been thinking of getting your CCW, you might check out 88 Tactical's concealed carry classes or Family Series of classes.



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