Defense Pincus runs for NRA Board of Directors David Reeder March 3, 2014 Join the Conversation At RECOIL, we review every product fairly and without bias. Making a purchase through one of our links may earn us a small commission, and helps support independent gun reviews. Learn More Rob Pincus, firearms instructor, founder of I.C.E. Firearms Training Services and Managing Editor of Personal Defense Network, has announced he is running for a position on the National Rifle Association Board of Directors. He is specifically seeking election to the 76th Seat. NRA BoD seats (well, 75 of them) are three-year terms, elected by an eligible NRA Voting Member process that includes 3 types of possible electees: Nominees, Petitioners and Write-ins. Pincus, who is one of the most voluble pro-Second Amendment “firearms personalities” in the industry is asking for public support as a write-in candidate. He advises, [One type of candidate] on the mail-in ballots are Write-Ins. That is for people who, like me, have not gone through any extensive campaigning or selection process specific to the NRA Elections. It is very unlikely that anyone will get enough Write-In Votes to win one of the three year seats. The 76th Seat on the Board is a one year term and is handled a bit differently. The 76th Seat is voted on attendees of the NRA Annual Meeting. This year’s meeting will be in Indianapolis, IN on the last weekend in April. Quite often, the 76th Seat has been where those who were unsuccessful in their bid to win a 3 year seat end up running a second campaign. I am choosing to run for this 76th Seat directly, but, as it turns out, I need to demonstrate that I have support with a solid showing in the Write-Ins in order to qualify to be part of the voting at the NRA Annual Meeting. Pincus says he believes that a position in that 76th seat will allow him to do more to promote firearms ownership rights and responsibilities. He makes no claims to what he can do for the NRA internally (presumably because from the outside it is impossible to know all the internal dynamics) but for the public (and gun community) at large he wants to primarily do the following: Encourage Members of the Firearms Community to meet their Responsibilities as Gun Owners Educate the Middle Ground in America about Firearms Rights & Responsibilities. Debate, and in many cases Correct, the actions and assertions of those who are “Anti-Gun”in our Country. “I have heard a great deal of mixed opinion about exactly what an NRA Board Member can do, should do and what they have felt the value of their position and the contributions that have come from their positions are. I am confident that I am making the right choice for the right reasons.” Among his many qualifications Pincus cites his already busy schedule promoting responsible firearms ownership and use. In 2013, for instance, he was interviewed on over 100 radio shows, made regular appearances on Armed American Radio and participated in numerous podcasts. None of this includes the many videos he helped produce on Personal Defense Network or the large number of students he and his cadre taught on the range. To support Rob's bid, or to vote in general, you must: -be a Voting Member and have your ballot for the NRA BoD -fill out the ballot appropriately. If supporting Pincus, write Rob Pincus, Bexley Ohio in the write-in portion of the ballot. There are guidelines printed on the ballot, which is due by 06 APR 14. Note: if you are a Voting Member and do not have your ballot you should contact the NRA or follow these directions. If you are one of those who do the hashtag thing, Rob's campaign is #pincus4nra. Here's my take – Rob is a frequently polarizing figure within the tactical/firearms community. His proponents as a firearms instructor are as fiercely loyal as are his detractors as a firearms instructor. Whichever side of that argument you might take, for the purpose of an NRA BoD vote, what really matters is his stance on gun rights and his ability to communicate. Frankly I don't think you could find many people more passionately pro-Second Amendment than Pincus, and he is without a doubt extremely articulate. Pincus and I agree on many things and argue heatedly about others, but when it comes to “the big picture” we have never disagreed. I think he'd make an excellent and vigorous member of the NRA BoD – which is a nice way of saying he could be a revitalizing pain in the ass to what some have referred to as the “good old boy” portion of the NRA. Opinions being like…well, you know what they're like, mine does not necessarily matter. So judge for yourself. Here is his interview with Cam & Co. on the NRA news. Listen to him on 3 Gun Nation here. Read his full announcement about running for the NRA BoD here. Read why Michael Bane made his endorsement of Pincus public here. Lastly, watch this video from James Yeager. Yeager is another polarizing figure in the firearms community, more so even than Pincus, but you damn sure can't question his support for the Second Amendment. Here he discusses how the NRA BoD vote works and mentions Pincus specifically. NEXT STEP: Download Your Free Target Pack from RECOILFor years, RECOIL magazine has treated its readers to a full-size (sometimes full color!) shooting target tucked into each big issue. Now we've compiled over 50 of our most popular targets into this one digital PDF download. From handgun drills to AR-15 practice, these 50+ targets have you covered. Print off as many as you like (ammo not included). Get your pack of 50 Print-at-Home targets when you subscribe to the RECOIL email newsletter. 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