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Spotlight on the PHLster Spotlight

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Arguing the merits of carrying a weapon mounted light (WML) is something that's been done since WMLs were invented. In recent years they've become more popular for CCW, and thankfully for people like yours truly who have been carrying with a WML for over a decade, this means more options–especially regarding appendix carry. An outside the waistband light-bearing holster is no big deal, doing so comfortably on the inside of your pants is. PHLster released a new model today specifically for that purpose: The Spotlight.

You can successfully think of the Spotlight as a PHLster Classic that accommodates a WML–because that's exactly what it is

When introducing a holster like this, you're probably going to go with the most popular options first. In this case, this means 9/40 Glocks and Surefire X300Us. The PHLster Spotlight will gleefully eat everything from a compact G19 with an X300U-B to a compensated G34 with an X300U-A. Which model of the X300U doesn't matter, and due to the open ended nature of the holster you can also put a comp on it.
If you're running an 80% frame though, you'll have to look elsewhere. The WML sits a bit too low for it to fit

Here's what they have to say about it:

Following up on our popular Classic AIWB holster, we are excited to announce the Spotlight for light bearing appendix carry applications. The initial launch supports the popular Glock 9/40 family of double stack pistols with Surefire X300U A/B lights attached. Pistols equipped with compensators, suppressor sights, and slide-mounted optics are all compatible as standard.
The Spotlight features a range of adjustments, from adjustable ride height, angle, retention, and adjustable grip-tucking. The brand new ModWing hardware (produced by our colleagues at Henry Holsters) features a modular insert to change the amount of grip rotation as the belt is tightened against the holster, helping you balance concealment with accessing a full firing grip. In combination with our in-molded ergonomic teardrop, carried over from the Classic, the Spotlight brings real comfort and concealment to the challenge of carrying a WML forward of the hips.

Yes, a TLR version is in the works and will be available hot on the heels of this initial launch.


You can visit PHLster online here

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