CONCEALMENT 8 What the Professionals Carry Dave Merrill Join the Conversation At RECOIL, we review every product fairly and without bias. Making a purchase through one of our links may earn us a small commission, and helps support independent gun reviews. Learn More Given what we’ve seen people purport to actually carry on the Internet, huge clown shoe JNCO jeans coming back to the market starts to make a little bit of sense. But just as with dating sites and gun forums, sometimes you have to take personal declarations with a grain of salt. No, Chad, you shouldn’t list your body type as “athletic” in your profile if you’re 100 pounds overweight. A soldier’s load in Afghanistan is different from a suburban soccer mom; where you live, work, and what you do can and will affect what you carry. Someone who works from home can get away with a helluva lot more than someone in a professional nonpermissive office environment. Unless you have unlimited space, you have to prioritize what you carry and when. Though it would be nice to have 16 specialized items in your pockets at all times covering all the bases from firearms to fire building, that simply isn’t practical. But if you can get away with it, consider some practical items that go beyond just the gun. Tim Herron Organization: USPSA, Grand Master Competition Shooter Position: Pro shooter for Federal Premium Ammunition and Atlas Gunworks EDC Items: > Gen 4 Glock 19 equipped with Overwatch Precision TAC trigger and Trijicon HD sights > Federal Premium 9mm 124-grain HST > HolsterCo Stealth AIWB > Brite-Strike EPLI penlight > Citizen EcoDrive H-610 Philosophy on EDC items: Pistol: I carry the Glock 19 due to its ease of use, concealment, and capacity. I’m a small-framed guy, and it’s about the largest firearm I can carry concealed easily. The Overwatch Trigger is a great improvement and makes short work of hard shots. Holster: I’ve carried using this HolsterCo Stealth for a few years now. Retention is great, and it’s the most comfortable AIWB holster I’ve worn. Ammo: Federal HST because great ballistics, and I trust my life to them. Light: I’ve had the Brite-Strike EPLI penlight for over four years. It’s inexpensive, but durable and easy to slip in a pocket, taking up no space. It’s always been bright and dependable. Watch: I’ve always been a fan of Citizen EcoDrive timepieces, and the H-610 is my all-time favorite. I wear this watch daily, including to the range during competitions. I’m a full-time automotive technician and professional competitive handgunner. Whether it’s my day job or evening/weekend job, I carry as much as possible. I’d much rather be prepared and never need it, than … well, you know the rest. As a competition shooter, I primarily shoot a custom 1911 that’s highly tuned. However, for EDC, I consider the Glock to be the better choice for carry. Striker fire, high capacity, and physical size are all considerations for me for a great carry gun, and the Glock fits the criteria best. Alex Kincaid Organization: Alex Kincaid Law Position: Attorney URL: Military/LE experience: Lincoln County District Attorney; Curry County District Attorney Survivalism/emergency preparedness background: I read a lot and have attended a few classes. I have learned basic emergency medical procedures, and I use survival skills everyday by growing, raising, hunting, butchering, and storing my own food. EDC Items: > Kimber Solo 9mm > DeSantis Nemesis > Spartan Blades Enyo > IWB Sheath > Smith & Wesson Self-Defense Tactical Penlight > Spare magazine Philosophy on EDC items: Pistol: I love the power in the compact size. I can conceal this pistol in multiple ways, and this versatility is a must for my small frame, as I wear professional clothing (usually suits and dresses) on a daily basis. Holster: It fits almost anywhere, and holds the pistol in a proper position with the right amount of grip. Knife and sheath: Spartan Blades Enyo and IWB Sheath. This is by far the best backup blade I’ve ever owned. With the Kydex-style IWB sheath, it’s still light and easy to conceal. The paracord knot on the sheath with the knife lanyard add removal options in a fight, and my Enyo does double-duty as a ranch knife at home. Light: A light and weapon in one tool is a winning combination — and just another form of backup for a fight. Spare Mag: With respect to ammo, more is better than not enough, so I carry a spare magazine whenever possible. 1. Awareness and avoidance. 2. The right tools with training. You never lose a gunfight you’re never in. If the fight is unavoidable, have the right tools and know how to use them. There’s absolutely no use in carrying a weapon without the knowledge and training to use it effectively. Be prepared with options, including to fight without a weapon. Some of the best training I’ve had involved negotiation and other verbal communication skills as well as hands-on fighting and maneuvering without a weapon. For the rest of this article, subscribe here: Concealment 8 NEXT STEP: Download Your Free Target Pack from RECOILFor years, RECOIL magazine has treated its readers to a full-size (sometimes full color!) shooting target tucked into each big issue. Now we've compiled over 50 of our most popular targets into this one digital PDF download. From handgun drills to AR-15 practice, these 50+ targets have you covered. Print off as many as you like (ammo not included). Get your pack of 50 Print-at-Home targets when you subscribe to the RECOIL email newsletter. We'll send you weekly updates on guns, gear, industry news, and special offers from leading manufacturers - your guide to the firearms lifestyle.You want this. Trust Us.