censorship Young Americans are Turning Down Gun Control Forrest Cooper May 4, 2021 21 Comments, Join the Conversation At RECOIL, we review every product fairly and without bias. Making a purchase through one of our links may earn us a small commission, and helps support independent gun reviews. Learn More Amidst all the bad news that we hear, every once in a while the good news breaks through. Greater access to information does not in fact make us better without the ability to evaluate it. But in this situation, the evaluation is the easy part. A poll released by ABC News and the Washington post has reported that in the last three years Americans under the age of 30 are considerably less supportive of gun control. In the face of new proposals for limiting what the citizens can legally own, the population is moving away from government control.The 2021 poll, when compared to a similar one taken in 2018, identified a shift in support from people between the ages of 18 and 29 away from red flag laws, and further infringements such as magazine bans. Three years ago, 65% of those polled supported more gun control. This year that number is 45%.Evaluating the information does require some caution, as we do not know how the poll was taken, but it should be interpreted as good news, even if the question is why. Speculation has suggested that the combination of increased civil unrest and a growing lack of trust in the government has pushed some away from limitation, and others towards self-reliance. Last year we saw that underneath all the chatter, the Second Amendment is alive and well as record firearms sales have continued to soar. NICS Checks ran by Month. March 2021 set the record at 4,691,738. The breakdown of the poll draws unsurprising lines between Democrats and Republicans, between rural, urban, and sub-urban audiences, as well as by ethnicity. While all sub-sections report lower support, the syntax of the poll itself leans toward whether or not the audience wants more control, even identifying if President Biden is doing enough. Again correlated to the increase in firearms sales, the theory that most gun control is legislated out of ignorance, not malice, finds some purchase, in that following the spike in gun ownership, the desire for gun control drops.The drop in support for Gun Control from the younger demographic should be seen as a sign of hope. In contrast to our collective crazy uncles' rants, perhaps what the younger generation is showing the world is that they prefer the responsibility of liberty over the constraints of an overprotective government.Stories like these shine through the non-stop alarmism of the moment. While it's not a call to rest on our laurels, it's a reminder that the power has always rested in the people, and isn't something that can be taken without their volition. We need to be wary of exchanges of freedom for safety, and remember that, good or bad, we have had something to do with where our world is going. When it comes to Guns, it looks like we might be doing something right. Signal Hill Supply Defund the ATF Keychain MSRP: $10 (if you can catch it in stock)URL: signalhillsupplyco.comInstagram: signalhillsupply MORE ON GUN CONTROL AND CENSORSHIP American Contingency has faced some of the greatest Censorship to date. No One Is Coming To Save You: RuneNation on Personal Ownership in the Age of Censorship. Warrior Poet Society, John Lovell, addresses Censorship, The Second Amendment, and Moving Forward. Year after year, Americans proves that the Second Amendment isn't going away. Here's the testimony. In Early 2021, Instagram Decided that the Second Amendment was Fake News. Read the Story. Time to Act: the ATF moves against Pistol Stabilizing Braces. SB Tactical versus the ATF: What Winning Looks Like. Punishment for Good Behavior. Why it matters when the ATF betrays the people. What the Leaked ATF Documents say about 80% parts. Explore RECOILweb:Shoe porn: Salomon offering all black "Murdered Out" XA Pro 3D Mid GTXSaturday night knife porn- Blackheart Knives and ToolsCZ P-10C12 Days of Christmas 2022 - Day 4 - Grey Ghost Precision ENDED NEXT STEP: Download Your Free Target Pack from RECOILFor years, RECOIL magazine has treated its readers to a full-size (sometimes full color!) shooting target tucked into each big issue. Now we've compiled over 50 of our most popular targets into this one digital PDF download. From handgun drills to AR-15 practice, these 50+ targets have you covered. Print off as many as you like (ammo not included). Get your pack of 50 Print-at-Home targets when you subscribe to the RECOIL email newsletter. We'll send you weekly updates on guns, gear, industry news, and special offers from leading manufacturers - your guide to the firearms lifestyle.You want this. Trust Us.
We got in this pickle because we rejected God as out Judge and accepted evil in our government . We voted for the mascot or a nice hair do. We trusted RINO's. We did not keep up with what they voted for or against between elections. Only when we, excuse me, YOU, put your Rep or senator, State and local and Federal, on notice that your vote is contingent on their supporting thus and such, and send your dollars and vote to their opponant if they do not, will they change or you get them out. Now, if they change you still get they out as they have proven themselves to be a whore and only voted to keep themselves in power. When the rucus fades they will revert back. Ron Paul NEVER wafered from his principles! Federal Farmer
It means that "our" side would rather quibble about spelling than actually cause politicians to fear us. They know that we are easily divided and conquered. They also know that the leftist forces don't waver; they get their way sooner or later.
"your vote is contingent on their supporting thus and such" given that the last election was stolen and certified by representatives that knew it was stolen, do they care about citizen votes anymore?
Gen X did? Gen X has been like the starving, broke peasants in the wake of the baby boomer locust plague. But hey, the last 6 generations has shirked their duty to revolt against totalitarian government.
Guns are our hobby we shoot targets, hunt and obey the law. We the people do not kill other people. The criminals kill people, so get off our back with your gun control BS. It is just your excuse to gain power over law biding citizens. Yes control and take our money that is the lefts game. We know your real intention is to break America. We the people want peace and law something the left wants to destroy. Your like graffiti on the wall just insane comments and everybody sees it.
There seems to be two kinda of people. Those who want to be left alone to pursue and enjoy freedom, and those who will not leave them alone. The statue in front of the UN bldg. in NYC is a revolver with a knot tied in the barrel. There is a concerted, coordinated effort to disarm Americans by any means (or excuse) necessary. It's time American males ask their wives for their balls back.
We also like to defend ourselves against criminals like from home break ins. I Have a right to defend my life. In most any instance the police are to late. You people that don't have a gun to defend your life will say if broken in to your home, I wish I listened to common sense because I put my family and my selfe in harms way. Think about it stupid!
For you ladies. Did you ever watch Forensic Files? There are thousands of women broken into raped and murdered. Get a gun, a revolver they don't jam. Learn how to use it. Keep it where you can get it quick. Put it in the home where you are most of the time, at night move it to your bedroom where you can get it from your bed quickly. You can save your torture and your life! Get it Ladies
They stated right off they didn't know how the poll was taken. Therefore, this is simply speculation written by pro-gun source. I hope it is true, but this information is for entertainment only..
The only ones that should practice Gun Control is your politician. Get your greedy hands off our guns. It's not your right anyway. Can't you read? The 2nd Amendment says it's the PEOPLE'S right, so practice your gun control and stay out of it.