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Chad McBroom, Summit In The Sand Instructor Spotlight

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Chad McBroom of Comprehensive Fighting Systems will present “Defensive Blade Tactics.”

Chad McBroom1

RECOIL:  What’s your elevator pitch to people who ask what you do?

MCBROOM: I teach modernized empty-hand, contact weapon, and firearms tactics, using a holistic approach to form a complete close-combat system.

Chad McBroom2

RECOIL:  What is your area of expertise, as it relates to the event?

MCBROOM:  My area of expertise is in the application of edged weapons.



RECOIL:  What's your background and qualifications?

MCBROOM: I am a law enforcement officer with over 20 years of service, with most of that time spent as a full-time member of a tactical unit. I have spent over 30 years studying various combative systems with instructors from all over the country. I am the owner of Comprehensive Fighting Systems, and offer training in the areas of empty-hand tactics, edged weapons, impact weapons, and firearms tactics.

RECOIL:  What can attendees gain through your instruction?

MCBROOM:Attendees will learn how to use an edged weapon as primary defensive weapon against a violent and lethal threat, and as a secondary line of defense in defense of their firearm.

RECOIL:  What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?

MCBROOM:Whatever you set out to do, do it with all your might.


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