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Kroger Craps on the Second Amendment

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Something's not quite right…

You've made a run to the grocery store to pick up a few supplies, and decide to swing by the magazine rack to see if the latest RECOIL or CONCEALMENT is out yet. Hmm, not there, must have sold out.

Nothing could be further from the truth

In fact, not selling out is the reason you're having trouble finding us, as the memo below affecting all gun mags points out. You see, Kroger, who own the Fred Meyer and Fry's chains in addition to their eponymous grocery stores have decided to take it upon themselves to be arbiters of taste regarding what we put on our covers.

They forgot the shoulder thing that goes up and chainsaw bayonet, but the rest of the ignorant talking points and arbitrary cosmetic features are there. Idiots.

We write for YOU, not the Censors

We think we put out some of the most kick-ass content in the gun world, so having an Arugula pusher look over our shoulders while we write and design it, didn't exactly sit well. So when faced with the choice of bowing to the corporate overlords or being left off the shelves, our answer was a full-throated ‘fuck you'. We'd rather take a hit to our bottom line than bend the knee.

Pissed off? Here's how you can help

So now we're asking you to help out. If you're OK with censorship from multi-billion dollar corporations, then you don't need to lift a finger. But if you care about quality reporting on the subjects that matter to you, then here are some things you can do to take action:

1) Promote Awareness about 2A Censorship. Share this Post.

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