Featured Precision Rifle Series–For Kids Megan Holly January 10, 2017 Join the Conversation At RECOIL, we review every product fairly and without bias. Making a purchase through one of our links may earn us a small commission, and helps support independent gun reviews. Learn More “Ding!” “IMPACT!” Two of the most gratifying sounds when on the range that a shooter can hear. The unquestionable clang as the impact of the round hitting the steel assures everyone within earshot, that the shot was a success. Round after round was fired from the shooting platform, and round after round, shooters made impact with their intended targets. The inevitable smiles, high-fives and cheers resounded as each trigger pull resulted in a hit. What sounds like a typical day on the range for most, this particular Saturday was anything but; because these marksmen shooters were all under the age of 16-years-old. On Saturday, January 7th, the first-ever PRS Kidz Clinic kicked off at the Hollywood Tactical Gun Club, in Lakeport, FL. The clinic, still in it it’s pilot stages, caters to the younger generations (ages 5-21) to help them learn, experience, share, and grow in the appreciation of shooting sports. Hosted by C&H Precision Weapons, who provided each student with a custom built Ruger 10/22, and sponsored by the Precision Rifle Series and PRIME Ammo, who provided all the ammo for the course, PRS Kidz kicked off with it’s first 8 students; both male and female, ages ranging from 5 – 16 years old. Students began the class, with a safety briefing from Buck Holly, Owner of C&H Precision Weapons, and lead PRS Kidz Instructor. With their parents beside them, every participant was taught the principles of firearms safety and how to handle and appreciate their rifles in a complete yet enjoyable format. During this portion of the course, the parents were also students, as they are critical to continuing the learning process of firearms safety with his or her child. Impressing the very danger involved in what they are about to partake in gets children’s attention, as it would someone of any age. “The safety component of the class is integral to how every shooter, of all ages, handles a firearm,” stated Holly. “We want to enforce the importance of these components, without scaring the kids away from wanting to get behind a rifle.” There’s an added benefit to teaching children to shoot however; it’s an indication of respect that is generally overlooked for this particular demographic. C&H, in partnership with PRS and PRIME Ammo realized the vacancy in proper instruction for youth, and began the PRS Kidz Pilot Program. “Teaching a child to learn how to shoot is so much more than hitting a target,” stated Holly; who spends much of his quality time with his 4-year-old daughter on the range, and 19-year-old daughter at National PRS matches. “It sends the message that, ‘I trust your ability to listen and learn.’ This instant sense of trust provides the child with a sense of pride and duty to do right by that person. Leading them to come away from a properly conducted day at the range feeling more empowered and respectful of rules.” After each student competently displayed their understanding of the safety rules and principles of firearms, Holly introduced them to their rifles, magazines and boxes of PRIME ammo. Rotating 4 shooters on the line at a time, each laid out in the prone position, Holly helped every student to find their targets through their scopes and successfully hit each one. A few hours of shooting through several magazines each, with the aid of Holly and their parents, the students were then prepped to load their magazines, and run through four different courses of fire, with targets ranging from 35 yards out to 150 yards. “Courses of fire are set up to ensure the participants will finish the match with 80-95% successes,” stated Holly. “The positive results ensure that the students will want to return and continue shooting.” The day ended with smiles, pride and a new appreciation for firearms from students and parents alike. Many with the goal to attend another clinic, while others felt the urge to sign up for an upcoming one-day PRS match. PRS Kidz is in the pilot stages for what is intended to become a much bigger program, on a national level. Safety is the first and foremost priority; with learning, having fun and raising children to respect and be efficient with firearms all tied for a close second. With more courses set to be scheduled in the coming months, stay tuned to www.precisionrifleseries.com for updates and more information. Explore RECOILweb:MilSpec Monkey's Hoodie "Polar1"US Palm and Armor Express: Body Armor self testThe tale of Trinity's carry gun: The Beretta 80-SeriesHands on With The Aimpoint ACRO P-1 | SHOT 2019 NEXT STEP: Download Your Free Target Pack from RECOILFor years, RECOIL magazine has treated its readers to a full-size (sometimes full color!) shooting target tucked into each big issue. Now we've compiled over 50 of our most popular targets into this one digital PDF download. From handgun drills to AR-15 practice, these 50+ targets have you covered. Print off as many as you like (ammo not included). Get your pack of 50 Print-at-Home targets when you subscribe to the RECOIL email newsletter. 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