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  • Nick Stone says:

    Love the magazine is there a way to order issue 1?

  • joe says:

    Will there be annual subscription?

  • Steve says:

    Still need to find issue #1 please!

  • Greg says:

    Finnaly a ar15 magazine that has actual well written articles to read and not just a parts catalog.
    Nice job!
    Wish there was an annual subscription.

    Keep writing and I’ll keep buying


  • BT says:

    Good magazine, however you might want to vet some of your Interviewees. Keep up the good work.

  • Dominic Tyson says:

    definitely need 12 mo subscription option

  • john says:

    I think you can get the digital subscription on a nook. At least monthly anyway. From what I see its like 1.25 a digital issue

  • allen wall says:

    My issue #1 got soaked and was destroyed. How can I get another copy. Glad to see your gonna be doing a new issue every 2 months instead of 3. Cant wait to get my subscription.

  • Martin R. Mackenzie says:

    I would like to buy issue # 1

  • Bill says:

    There should be about 100 copies landing at by June 4th.

    • Steven says:

      Any further word. I know it’s only the 5th but they aren’t on the site yet. Also, will we be able to start a mail subscription on the 3rd issue since many of us already have the 2nd?


  • Nik says:

    Love this mag! Well done. Might be the greatest mag I’ve ever picked up. I’m in!


  • Paul says:

    I love this mag. I would like to order a home subscription so I dont need to purchase in the store. Can you tell me if this is available for a subscription now and if how do I sign up for it. Also, how often will the magazine be coming out? will it be quarterly, monthly, etc.?

  • Jeremy McGuire. says:

    One of my customers called and told me that you guys talked about my kiss tactical AR-15 in issue #2. But I can’t find the paper mag any pace.

  • Joe Diaz says:

    How do I go about subscribing??

  • Brad says:

    Great mag. Just wish I could find it someplace around me or get a subscription. Would do a 12 month at the drop of a hat.

  • Laura says:

    any idea when, if and how i can get a hold of a issue #1

  • Brinton says:

    Like many others i would love to have an annual subscription to this magazine its great please let me know how to go about this

  • jay says:

    would like to get issues #1, #2, what are the chances?

  • Bryan says:

    I want this mag, having trouble finding where I can order the annual mag. Can anyone help?

  • Mike says:

    I have been looking for a magazine like this for years. This Mag has everything I was looking for, I count down the days until the next issue is released on shelves.I hope the change from an issue every 3 months down to only 2 is a continuing trend and will soon be a monthly magazine. I hope to see an Annual subscription offer soon. Keep up the great work!

  • Keith says:

    I would definitely be in for an annual subscription…. great mag, just hard to find a dependable distributor.

  • Sam Emmons says:

    Is there some sectet to subscribing to your magazine? I wanted to get two subscriptions one for me amd one for my friend. I have tried everything I can to subscribe but no luck!!! Maybe someone can give me a hand, thanks.

  • Artie AR says:

    Better get those annual subscriptions going fast. With the current climate you are going to loose a lot of newstand retailer andightceven have to send them out in plain brown wrappers as well.

  • John says:

    Best d#*n magazine on the shelf. Currently seeking annual subscription. Also looking for 1st and 2nd issue. Well done!

  • Al Janes says:

    Great Mag. How do I get a Subscription?

  • Shanice says:

    Really liked what you had to say in your post, RECOIL Home Delivery Service – RECOIL, thanks for the good read!
    — Shanice

  • Aubrey says:

    I wish I could transfer my digital subscription to a paper one. I miss out on all the targets

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