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RECOIL Reader EDC – Yea or Nay?

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Hopefully you've noticed the “Monday Morning Carry” (MMC) series we've been running, well, on Monday mornings. The series has proven to be one of our most popular. Many people like to see what other folks are carrying, or could be carrying if they were so inclined, and frequently the articles give us a chance to highlight some lesser known craftsmen or small businesses.

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Not unexpectedly, we've received a few e-mails from readers asking if they could submit pictures and explanations of their EDC, or at least what they allege to be their EDC. You'll note by the way that sometimes our MMC series has actually been titled Monday Morning EDC — yes it's a bit of misnomer because of the but you get the point.


We have no idea who took this picture, but we like their style.

This begs the question, would enough of you be interested to make it worth the effort? We wouldn't be guaranteeing any reward other than showing your stuff off in front of about half a million people. That should be enough to suit the most vainglorious narcissist or sprauncy former British Army officer turned magazine editor, but you never know, so we'll throw in the breathtaking and wonderful opportunity to interact with one or more of our tremendously talented, handsome, and above all things humble web team.

What more could anyone possibly want?

If you would be so kind as to participate in the poll we would be ever so grateful.

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If  you're not familiar with the series, there are numerous installments of Monday Morning Carry and Monday Morning EDC listed here: or, if you're a fan of gear porn, you can check out dozens of pictures in an album on Facebook:

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