Featured First Annual Conclave: the RECOIL Texas Hog Hunt Recoil Staff February 12, 2016 Join the Conversation At RECOIL, we review every product fairly and without bias. Making a purchase through one of our links may earn us a small commission, and helps support independent gun reviews. Learn More Kaiju sized, man-eating pigs are an ever present danger in today's world. Anyone who has seen Chawz or the trailers for Boar will tell you so. Well, the RECOIL staff has decided to do something about it. We've gone to Texas for our first ever Conclave, there to do battle with (hopefully) hordes of feral swine. We've assembled what can only be described as a wish list of weapons and gear from a veritable who's who of manufacturers. Hopefully our fieldcraft and marksmanship will be worthy of it. There will be an ongoing image feed here to keep you abreast of our success (or failure) and to give you a look at what we're using. You can also keep an eye out on our Instagram feed for hashtags #recoiltexashoghunt #recoiltexashoghunting #texashoghunting #hoghunting and #gonetotexas. Much more detail below. [instagram-feed includewords="#recoiltexashoghunting, #recoiltexashoghunt, #texashoghunting, #recoilhoghunt, #hoghunting" instagram-feed showlikes=true instagram-feed disablemobile=true] Here's an excerpt from the Operations Order as issued by Chief Editor Iain Harrison (a former British recce officer): Conclave 1: RECOIL Texas Hog Hunt Ground We'll be working on approximately 25,000 acres in the vicinity of Frio Town, one hour west of San Antonio TX, comprising farmland and scrub river valley. It's not expected that shots longer than 250m will be a factor due to the nature of the terrain. Friendly Forces Team RECOIL consisting of all editorial staff, plus managerial, Art and sales staff. Atts and Dets Jason Swarr of Straight 8, staff of Frio County Hunts. Enemy forces Hogs, sir. Thousands of 'em. Mission Team RECOIL will slay porcine invaders, stacking their bodies like cordwood in order to produce editorial content for RECOIL and its sister titles. And bacon. Execution Concept of Operations This will be a three phase operation. Phase one will be the assembly of RECOIL staff in FRIO TOWN, TX. Stage two will be the slaughter of many, many pigs and predator species under the tutelage of local guides. Phase three will be recovery back to base locations. This will be the first time we've been able to get the majority of our editorial staff together in one place at one time and we're pretty stoked about it; we'll be missing just Senior Editor Patrick Vuong (who is away at Ninja School) and Web Editor David Reeder (who had an Reserve Avengers meeting to attend). Hope you'll join us — online at least. Many excellent companies have assisted Team RECOIL in this desperate battle against incredible odds. They include (but are not limited to): 5.11 Tactical www.511tactical.com Aimpoint aimpoint.com American Trigger Corporation (AR Gold Triggers) www.americantrigger.com BLACKHAWK! www.blackhawk.com Black Hills Ammunition www.black-hills.com Blue Force Gear www.blueforcegear.com Breakthrough Clean Technologies www.breakthroughclean.com Century Arms www.centuryarms.com Dynamis Alliance www.dynamisalliancecom Elftmann Tactical elftmanntactical.com EOTech www.eotechinc.com FLIR System www.flir.com GoTenna www.gotenna.com Grey Ghost Precision www.greyghostgear.com Insight Technology www.insighttechnology.com Lasermax www.lasermax.com Lehigh Defense www.lehighdefense.com Luth-AR www.luth-ar.com Magpul www.magpul.com Mechanix Wear www.mechanix.com Modern Outfitters modern-outfitters.com MTEK www.mtekusa.com Nightlong Industries nightlongind.com Night Goggles nightgoggles.com Oakley SI oakleysi.com Princeton Tec www.princetontec.com PULSAR www.pulsar-nv.com TNVC tnvc.com Remington www.remington.com Replay XD www.replayxd.com Spuhr Mounts www.spuhr.biz Strike Industries strikeindustries.com SureFire www.surefire.com Surplus Ammo surplusammo.com Texas Weapon Systems www.texasweaponsystems.com Trijicon www.trijicon.com Way of the Gun www.wayofthegun.us YETI www.yeticoolers.com We're not entirely sure what we'll find out there in the vast, arid wastelands of Texas, but here's hoping… By the way, for more information on those movies, you can find out more about Chawz here and Boar here. NEXT STEP: Download Your Free Target Pack from RECOILFor years, RECOIL magazine has treated its readers to a full-size (sometimes full color!) shooting target tucked into each big issue. Now we've compiled over 50 of our most popular targets into this one digital PDF download. From handgun drills to AR-15 practice, these 50+ targets have you covered. Print off as many as you like (ammo not included). Get your pack of 50 Print-at-Home targets when you subscribe to the RECOIL email newsletter. We'll send you weekly updates on guns, gear, industry news, and special offers from leading manufacturers - your guide to the firearms lifestyle.You want this. Trust Us.