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The FBI Clinton Probe: Curiouser and Curiouser Yet

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This will come as no surprise to, well, anyone, but more strange things have come to light with regard to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's probe into possible wrongdoing by Presidential Clinton Hillary Rodham Clinton. According to a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, there is additional evidence of a conflict of interest and double standards.

What. a. shocker.

The article builds on a previous piece published by the WSJ, in which it was revealed that $675k in Democrat-controlled contributions were steered by Clinton supporter Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D, Virginia) to the campaign of Mrs. Jill McCabe, who was running for state office. This is significant because Mrs. McCabe's husband, Andrew McCabe, is Deputy Director of the FBI and helped FBI Director Comey oversee the probe into the Clinton e-mails and alleged mishandling of classified information.

The FBI counters any suggestion of impropriety by saying McCabe did not hold the FBI's #2 position until after his wife lost the race…presumably because it's okay that he held the #3 position in the agency during his wife's campaign and the concurrent investigation.

So…if he was the FBI's #2 man it might be considered wrong. But since he was actually the #3 man, and was only running the entire FBI Washington field office a the time, it was okay. Especially since Mrs. McCabe lost the election.

Wait. What?

Says the WSJ of the FBI Clinton probe.

“…Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a longtime friend of Hillary and Bill, steered money to the campaign of the wife of a top FBI official. Political organizations under Mr. McAuliffe’s control gave more than $675,000 to the 2015 Virginia state Senate campaign of Jill McCabe, the wife of FBI deputy directorAndrew McCabe. Mr. McCabe, director James Comey’s right-hand man, helped oversee the probe into whether Mrs. Clinton mishandled classified information on her server.

Some $467,500 of the money came directly from Mr. McAuliffe’s political action committee, Common Good VA, while $207,788 came from the Virginia Democratic Party, which the Governor essentially controls….

Mrs. McCabe announced her candidacy the same month (March 2015) as the news broke about Mrs. Clinton’s private email server. Mr. McCabe was running the FBI’s Washington field office at the time, and he was promoted to the No. 3 FBI slot not long after the formal FBI investigation began in July 2015.

The FBI said in a statement that none of this is an issue because Mr. McCabe wasn’t promoted to the No. 2 position until February 2016, months after his wife lost her race, and only then did he assume ‘for the first time, an oversight role in the investigation into Secretary Clinton’s emails.'

Nothing to see here folks, move along.

You can read the article in its entirety right here.

Cover photo: FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in Washington July 20, 2016. (REUTERS)

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